Friday, May 15, 2020

Medicine case presentation

Thursday, May 14, 2020

14 may 2020 elog

14 may 2020 elog medicine intern

Hello everyone... I am an intern in medicine department and one of the important terms of getting the internship completion is to complete my log book with my daily log of what I learn during the course of my duties. 


A 27 year old male patient presented with chief complaint of vomiting since 2 days, with decreased in take of food since 4days.
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 days back, then he had decreased in take of food since 4 days following alcohol intake(local toddy). Then he has H/O vomiting since 2 days which is non bilious, non blood stained not a/w pain abdomen, loose stools. 
H/O seizures 2 days back after stopping alocohol, no H/O frothing, loc, uprolling of eyes, 
involuntary bowel and bladder movements. 
H/O decreased responsiveness for which he was admitted in local hospital and treated as DELIRIUM TREMERS. 

K/C/O chronic alcoholic since 4 years(90-180ml whiskey per day) 
H/O beetle chewer
H/O similar episodes

Mixed diet with normal appetite, regular bowel and bladder movements. 
h/o alcohol intake. 
No drug and allergic history. 
No significant family history. 


Patient was conscious,coherant,cooperative
Moderately built and nourished
No signs of pallor,icterus,cyanosis,clubbing, lymphadenopathy,edema.
           Temperature:A febrile 
           Pulse rate      :92/ min
           Respiratory rate:18/min
           BP                   :110/90 mmhg
           Spo2               :96%
           GRBS              :91mg
CVS:s1, s2 hered, no murmurs
RS:bae +, nvbs hered
P/A:soft, non tender
CNS:HMF normal, patient oriented to place/time/person
Cranial nerves intact
Motor and sensor system normal
No meningeal signs and cerebellar signs

Based on these findings,he was diagnosed with - 

Alcohol induced gastritis with K/C/O delirium tremens and alcohol dependent syndrome
Advise:psychiatry referral
Rx:1.Inj.pantop 40mg/iv/od
      2.Inj.zofer 4mg/iv/bd
      3.Inj.thiamine iv/td
      4.Inj.optineuron 1amp in 100ml/iv/od
      5.Ivf-NS, RL, DNS
      6.T.clonazepam 0.25mg

Dept of psychiatry
C/O abnormal behaviour since 3 to 4 days characterised by starry looks, episodic irritability, sleeplessness, increased reaction time to the question asked.Started with pain in neck with involuntary movements of head followed by above symptoms taken to outside local hospital treated for hypokalemia. 
Substance use history-alcohol intake history mentioned above
Similar episodes were reported 14 days back and 1 year back
O/E conscious oriented sat on chair has starry look etec maintained raport established speech normal, reaction time increased, relevant, coherant
As per history given by patient
DD:1.Prodromal psychosis
       2.Alcohol induced psychosis
Rx:1.T.Oleanz 5mg
      2.T.Enchorate Chrond 300mg
      3.T.Diazepam 5mg

Class topics:
Learning points
1.Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
2.Renal tubular acidosis

Have seen pleural tap from left pleural space for CKD on MHD patient(dialysis patient) 

Lung volumes and capacities

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Thursday, May 14, 2020

14 may 2020 elog

14 may 2020 elog medicine intern

Hello everyone... I am an intern in medicine department and one of the important terms of getting the internship completion is to complete my log book with my daily log of what I learn during the course of my duties. 


A 27 year old male patient presented with chief complaint of vomiting since 2 days, with decreased in take of food since 4days.
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 days back, then he had decreased in take of food since 4 days following alcohol intake(local toddy). Then he has H/O vomiting since 2 days which is non bilious, non blood stained not a/w pain abdomen, loose stools. 
H/O seizures 2 days back after stopping alocohol, no H/O frothing, loc, uprolling of eyes, 
involuntary bowel and bladder movements. 
H/O decreased responsiveness for which he was admitted in local hospital and treated as DELIRIUM TREMERS. 

K/C/O chronic alcoholic since 4 years(90-180ml whiskey per day) 
H/O beetle chewer
H/O similar episodes

Mixed diet with normal appetite, regular bowel and bladder movements. 
h/o alcohol intake. 
No drug and allergic history. 
No significant family history. 


Patient was conscious,coherant,cooperative
Moderately built and nourished
No signs of pallor,icterus,cyanosis,clubbing, lymphadenopathy,edema.
           Temperature:A febrile 
           Pulse rate      :92/ min
           Respiratory rate:18/min
           BP                   :110/90 mmhg
           Spo2               :96%
           GRBS              :91mg
CVS:s1, s2 hered, no murmurs
RS:bae +, nvbs hered
P/A:soft, non tender
CNS:HMF normal, patient oriented to place/time/person
Cranial nerves intact
Motor and sensor system normal
No meningeal signs and cerebellar signs

Based on these findings,he was diagnosed with - 

Alcohol induced gastritis with K/C/O delirium tremens and alcohol dependent syndrome
Advise:psychiatry referral
Rx:1.Inj.pantop 40mg/iv/od
      2.Inj.zofer 4mg/iv/bd
      3.Inj.thiamine iv/td
      4.Inj.optineuron 1amp in 100ml/iv/od
      5.Ivf-NS, RL, DNS
      6.T.clonazepam 0.25mg

Dept of psychiatry
C/O abnormal behaviour since 3 to 4 days characterised by starry looks, episodic irritability, sleeplessness, increased reaction time to the question asked.Started with pain in neck with involuntary movements of head followed by above symptoms taken to outside local hospital treated for hypokalemia. 
Substance use history-alcohol intake history mentioned above
Similar episodes were reported 14 days back and 1 year back
O/E conscious oriented sat on chair has starry look etec maintained raport established speech normal, reaction time increased, relevant, coherant
As per history given by patient
DD:1.Prodromal psychosis
       2.Alcohol induced psychosis
Rx:1.T.Oleanz 5mg
      2.T.Enchorate Chrond 300mg
      3.T.Diazepam 5mg

Class topics:
Learning points
1.Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
2.Renal tubular acidosis

Have seen pleural tap from left pleural space for CKD on MHD patient(dialysis patient) 

Lung volumes and capacities